Azure App Service – How to Enable SSL


Traditionally when setting up SSL for an IIS website, you could generate a CSR using IIS to provide to your relevant certificate authority.

If setting up a website using the Azure App Service, the approach is slightly different. There’s a myriad of ways of can do this, however this is the easiest approach I’ve found.

How To

  1. Download the DigiCert Certificate Utility from
  2. Run the Certificate Utility program from your own personal machine i.e. it doesn’t need to be run on your web server.
  3. Click the Create CSR link within the Code Signing tab
  4. Choose SSL as the Certificate Type
  5. Enter the relevant details for your domain. I used the default Key Size and Provider values.
  6. Then click Generate to create the CSR. Use the CSR to create your certificate with your certificate provider.

DigiCert Certificate Utility ScreenshotDigiCert Certificate Utility Screenshot

Shane Bartholomeusz
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