Shane Bartholomeusz

Geek and lover of all things tech related

Category: Miscellaneous (page 2 of 4)

Visual Studio: Close Current Tab Keyboard Shortcut


It’s common today to use the CTRL+W in various applications including most web browsers. If you’ve used Visual Studio you’ve probably noticed that this keyboard shortcut does not work when trying to close the currently opened tab.

In this article, I’ll show you how you can easily configure Visual Studio to close the currently opened tab.

Visual Studio Icon
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How To: Set Default Terminal In VS Code


By default Visual Studio Code will open a PowerShell session when you launch a new terminal window. But what if you want something else instead?

Well you’re in luck because in this article I’ll show you how you can easily change the default shell in Visual Studio Code.

VS Code Icon
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Visual Studio: Generate Class From JSON String


If you work JSON documents, I’m sure you’ve probably had to create a class file from a JSON string. Doing this manually can be a real pain in the proverbial, especially if you are working with a large JSON document. It can also be very error-prone. Therefore it’s best to automate this conversion.

In this post I’ll show you how to automatically generate a class file from a JSON string using a little known feature built into Visual Studio.

Visual Studio Icon
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Visual Studio: Show Current File in Solution Explorer


Have you ever worked on a large Visual Studio project that contained many projects and become somewhat disorientated, unable to find the currently open file within the Solution Explorer pane?

I did just that recently … I started work on a large Visual Studio solution for a client which contained over 180 projects within a single solution. Yep, I’m not even joking!

Whilst trying to learn and understand the solution structure I found myself getting lost inside the sea of nested projects and folders contained within the solution.

Well guess what? You’re in luck because I’ll show you a little known feature that may help you.

Visual Studio Icon
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How To: Win 10 Screen Sharing


Ever had to provide remote support to someone? It can be a real pain in the proverbial, including setting up the remoting software at both end points.

In this post you’ll learn how to share screens between two Windows 10 devices using the little known, built-in Windows Quick Assist app. The best part about it is that it requires almost no setup. Just straight to business!

Windows 10 Quick Assist Logo
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How To: Unlock Protected Excel Spreadsheet


Think that your ‘protected’ Excel spreadsheet is safe? Think again! These restrictions can easily be bypassed.

Recently, I needed to modify a protected spreadsheet however the original author of that Excel spreadsheet had left our company and no one had the password to unprotect the document. Doh!

In this post I’ll show you how to unprotect an Excel spreadsheet in a few simple steps.

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Fixed: Windows 10 Search Crashing


In this post I’ll show you how to fix an issue with Windows 10 Search disappearing.

While trying to use the Windows 10 Search I noticed that after I entered a few characters the Search Box would crash and clear out the text I had entered. No search results were being displayed.

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Handling Excel Dates in Microsoft Power Automate


Dealing with dates can be a real pain in the proverbial sometimes … and Microsoft Power Automate (aka Microsoft Flow) is no exception.

I recently had to bulk load some records from an Excel file into SharePoint Online using Microsoft Power Automate … you’d be forgiven to think that this would be a trivial task … WRONG!

Microsoft Flow and Excel Logos
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How To: Backup Synology NAS to Azure Cloud


In this article we’ll look at how to configure your Synology NAS to backup your data to the Microsoft Azure cloud.

Backup Synology to Azure diagram
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