I recently had the requirement to count the number of lines of code for each application that we maintain.
Obviously I didn’t want to do this manually … it would have been way to time consuming … so I began searching for solutions.
While looking around I came across a fantastic command line tool called CLOC (Count Lines of Code) on github. This utility does exactly what it says on the tin – it parses your code file to counts the lines of code.

How To Use It
First download the CLOC executable from github.

Run the CLOC utility over your source code files. You can see a screenshot of the output below.
My requirements were fairly basic so I didn’t use many of CLOC’s more advanced features, including the ability generate SQL statements to load into a relational database such as MySQL or SQL Server or inspect source code within compressed archives.
File Type Support
I was really impressed with the number of file types that CLOC could handle. Which include:
- ABAP (abap)
- ActionScript (as)
- Ada (ada, adb, ads, pad)
- ADSO/IDSM (adso)
- AMPLE (ample, dofile, startup)
- Ant (build.xml, build.xml)
- ANTLR Grammar (g, g4)
- Apex Trigger (trigger)
- Arduino Sketch (ino, pde)
- ASP (asa, asp)
- ASP.NET (asax, ascx, asmx, aspx, master, sitemap, webinfo)
- AspectJ (aj)
- Assembly (asm, s, S)
- AutoHotkey (ahk)
- awk (awk)
- Blade (blade.php)
- Bourne Again Shell (bash)
- Bourne Shell (sh)
- BrightScript (brs)
- builder (xml.builder)
- C (c, ec, pgc)
- C Shell (csh, tcsh)
- C# (cs)
- C++ (C, c++, cc, cpp, CPP, cxx, pcc)
- C/C++ Header (H, h, hh, hpp, hxx)
- CCS (ccs)
- Clean (dcl, icl)
- Clojure (clj)
- ClojureC (cljc)
- ClojureScript (cljs)
- CMake (cmake, CMakeLists.txt)
- COBOL (CBL, cbl, COB, cob)
- CoffeeScript (coffee)
- ColdFusion (cfm)
- ColdFusion CFScript (cfc)
- Coq (v)
- Crystal (cr)
- CSON (cson)
- CSS (css)
- Cucumber (feature)
- CUDA (cu, cuh)
- Cython (pyx)
- D (d)
- DAL (da)
- Dart (dart)
- diff (diff)
- DITA (dita)
- DOORS Extension Language (dxl)
- DOS Batch (bat, BAT, BTM, btm, CMD, cmd)
- Drools (drl)
- DTD (dtd)
- dtrace (d)
- ECPP (ecpp)
- EEx (eex)
- Elixir (ex, exs)
- Elm (elm)
- ERB (erb, ERB)
- Erlang (erl, hrl)
- Expect (exp)
- F# (fsi, fs, fs)
- F# Script (fsx)
- Focus (focexec)
- Forth (4th, e4, f83, fb, forth, fpm, fr, frt, ft, fth, rx, fs, f, for)
- Fortran 77 (F, f77, F77, FOR, ftn, FTN, pfo, f, for)
- Fortran 90 (F90, f90)
- Fortran 95 (f95, F95)
- Freemarker Template (ftl)
- GDScript (gd)
- Glade (glade, ui)
- GLSL (comp, frag, geom, glsl, tesc, tese, vert)
- Go (go)
- Grails (gsp)
- GraphQL (gql, graphql)
- Groovy (gant, gradle, groovy)
- Haml (haml)
- Handlebars (handlebars, hbs)
- Harbour (hb)
- Haskell (hs, lhs)
- Haxe (hx)
- HLSL (cg, cginc, hlsl, shader)
- HTML (htm, html)
- IDL (idl, pro)
- Idris (idr)
- INI (ini)
- InstallShield (ism)
- Java (java)
- JavaScript (es6, js)
- JavaServer Faces (jsf)
- JCL (jcl)
- JSON (json)
- JSP (jsp, jspf)
- JSX (jsx)
- Julia (jl)
- Kermit (ksc)
- Korn Shell (ksh)
- Kotlin (kt, kts)
- LESS (less)
- lex (l)
- LFE (lfe)
- liquid (liquid)
- Lisp (asd, el, lisp, lsp, cl, jl)
- Literate Idris (lidr)
- LiveLink OScript (oscript)
- Logtalk (lgt, logtalk)
- Lua (lua)
- m4 (ac, m4)
- make (am, Gnumakefile, gnumakefile, Makefile, makefile, mk)
- Mako (mako)
- Markdown (md)
- Mathematica (mt, wl, wlt, m)
- MATLAB (m)
- Maven (pom, pom.xml)
- Modula3 (i3, ig, m3, mg)
- MSBuild script (csproj, vbproj, vcproj, wdproj, wixproj)
- MUMPS (mps, m)
- Mustache (mustache)
- MXML (mxml)
- NAnt script (build)
- Nemerle (n)
- Nim (nim)
- Objective C (m)
- Objective C++ (mm)
- OCaml (ml, mli, mll, mly)
- OpenCL (cl)
- Oracle Forms (fmt)
- Oracle Reports (rex)
- Pascal (dpr, p, pas)
- Pascal/Puppet (pp)
- Patran Command Language (pcl, ses)
- Perl (perl, plh, plx, pm, pm6, pl)
- PHP (php, php3, php4, php5, phtml)
- PHP/Pascal (inc)
- Pig Latin (pig)
- PL/I (pl1)
- PO File (po)
- PowerBuilder (sra, srf, srm, srs, sru, srw)
- PowerShell (ps1, psd1, psm1)
- Prolog (P, pl, pro)
- Protocol Buffers (proto)
- Pug (pug)
- PureScript (purs)
- Python (py)
- QML (qml)
- Qt (ui)
- Qt Linguist (ts)
- Qt Project (pro)
- R (r, R)
- Racket (rkt, rktl, scrbl)
- RapydScript (pyj)
- Razor (cshtml)
- Rexx (rexx)
- RobotFramework (robot, tsv)
- Ruby (rake, rb)
- Ruby HTML (rhtml)
- Rust (rs)
- SAS (sas)
- Sass (sass, scss)
- Scala (scala)
- Scheme (sc, sch, scm, sld, sls, ss)
- sed (sed)
- SKILL (il)
- SKILL++ (ils)
- Slice (ice)
- Slim (slim)
- Smalltalk (st, cs)
- Smarty (smarty, tpl)
- Softbridge Basic (SBL, sbl)
- Solidity (sol)
- Specman e (e)
- SQL (psql, SQL, sql)
- SQL Data (data.sql)
- SQL Stored Procedure (spc.sql, spoc.sql, sproc.sql, udf.sql)
- Standard ML (fun, sig, sml)
- Stata (do, DO)
- Stylus (styl)
- Swift (swift)
- Tcl/Tk (itk, tcl, tk)
- Teamcenter met (met)
- Teamcenter mth (mth)
- TeX (bst, dtx, sty, tex)
- TITAN Project File Information (tpd)
- Titanium Style Sheet (tss)
- TOML (toml)
- TTCN (ttcn, ttcn2, ttcn3, ttcnpp)
- Twig (twig)
- TypeScript (tsx, ts)
- Unity-Prefab (mat, prefab)
- Vala (vala)
- Vala Header (vapi)
- Velocity Template Language (vm)
- Verilog-SystemVerilog (sv, svh, v)
- VHDL (VHD, vhd, vhdl, VHDL)
- vim script (vim)
- Visual Basic (bas, cls, ctl, dsr, frm, VB, vb, vba, VBA, vbs, VBS)
- Visual Fox Pro (sca, SCA)
- Visualforce Component (component)
- Visualforce Page (page)
- Vuejs Component (vue)
- Windows Message File (mc)
- Windows Module Definition (def)
- Windows Resource File (rc, rc2)
- WiX include (wxi)
- WiX source (wxs)
- WiX string localization (wxl)
- XAML (xaml)
- xBase (prg)
- xBase Header (ch)
- XHTML (xhtml)
- XMI (xmi, XMI)
- XML (XML, xml)
- XQuery (xq, xquery)
- XSD (XSD, xsd)
- XSLT (xsl, XSL, XSLT, xslt)
- yacc (y)
- YAML (yaml, yml)
- zsh (zsh)
Final Thoughts
In short CLOC is a great little tool to have in your arsenal in times of need. It saved me a bunch of time rather than having to create my own script.
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