GovHack – Indigenous War Heroes

GovHack Submission Logo


Whoa! what a weekend! The GovHack 2015 hacking weekend is over.

I worked alongside fellow colleagues from Ajilon in team HackToTheFuture. Our submission is called Indigenous War Heroes which highlights the contribution made by indigenous soldiers during World War I and II.


GovHack LogoYou can find out more at our project page –

All source code has been open sourced here –


The competition was more intense then I thought, but we all got there in the end. Overall it was a great experience, we all had a lot of fun doing it, and probably also aged a few extra years as well 🙂

Judging is currently underway so fingers crossed!


Our team was invited to attend the GovHack red carpet award ceremony in Sydney. Overall, it was a great experience. We all had a lot of fun!!!

We didn’t take home any awards that night, although did receive several honourable mentions. Check out this link for more information – GovHack Winners 2015.

Shane Bartholomeusz
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